Friday, May 6, 2011

Maryland Sheep and Wool

This weekend is the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival - a great way to meet sheep up close! You can also learn to spin, weave, knit or crochet. Or perhaps you've thought about owning your own sheep - the Festival also includes classes on shepherding or how to read forage reports.

The festival also includes lots of vendors selling everything wool related  from fleece to yarn. You can even buy a fleece there and send it home with a wool processor. The wool processor will take your fleece: scour, dry, comb and card it into roving.

One of the fun things to watch is the blade shearing of sheep where you can see how sheep used to be sheared. This is the only blade shearing competition held in the U.S. A very back-breaking job leaning over and using blades and keeping those legs out of your face. Or perhaps you would rather watch the working sheepdogs demonstration.

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